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29 Weeks



Just a few sonogram pictures taken today. Ricki was uncomfortable laying on the table for a long period of time. Everything looked excellent! Ricki has gained 38 pounds to date, up 4 pounds from last update.

Babies' Weights
Zachary 3 lbs 3 oz*
Lindsey 2 lbs 9 oz*
Hannah 2 lbs 5 oz*
* estimate

All of the babies weight estimates are in the normal percentile. The doctor feels we have 4 to 5 more weeks left, although we would love to go longer.


  Sonograms of Zachary, Lindsey and Hannah  

(These pictures are not as clear as the earlier ones. The technician seemed to be in a rush since there were three other couples expecting triplets and one couple expecting quintuplets waiting to be scanned.)


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