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23 Week Update


Lindsey   Hannah
Lindsey   Hannah
No sonograms taken today, but everyone is doing great. All three heartbeats were around 150-160 bpm. Ricki has gained 26 pounds to date, up 2 pounds from last update. Ricki thought she felt some contractions over the weekend so the doctor prescribed her medicine (Brethine) to prevent contractions. She will probably stay on this medicine for the next 3 months. Also, over the weekend she started to feel the babies kick. With three babies in there she has 6 arms and 6 legs to feel moving. Ricki is now on bed rest and only gets out of bed for a few hours each day, mostly to check her email and eat.


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Happy New Year

1997 is going to be an exciting year for us.

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Looking back to January 1st 1996 our New Year's Resolution was for Ricki to become pregnant. We never could of imagined the year we had. After each month of infertility treatment passes you begin to wonder if it every going to happen. And when it finally does happen to receive a miracle of three babies. It was definitely a roller coaster year. We can't wait for March/April to arrive and we can start being parents to our three lovely children. 1997 is going to be a year to never forget in our household.

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