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Zachary William, born on 3/5/97Hannah Jordan, born on 3/5/97
Lindsey Ariel, born on 3/5/97


Help for couples expecting Triplets




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First of all, congratulations!

When my wife and I found out we were expecting triplets on 9/5/96, we had no idea where to turn for information on triplets. Shocked, excited, and nervous I some how made my way to a book store and bought a book on multiples. The book didn't offer much comfort or answer our immediate questions. I next turned my attention to the Internet.

Searching for triplets, I found some excellent resources and some fantastic triplet Home Pages describing ever facet of life with triplets. Knowing that my wife calls me a "computer geek", I had to create a Home Page to record our pregnancy. After some fun and hard work our Home Page was created and tons of email starting pouring in. We've received email from all over the world wishing us congratulations; but most of the email messages were from couples expecting triplets. Knowing you are not alone, and talking to couples going through the same symptoms can be very comforting.

This page is to provide couples expecting triplets a list of resources that will help them through the emotional roller coaster ride during the next several months.

  1. Mothers Of Supertwins (MOST) is a non-profit network founded in 1987 by several mothers of triplets who had and continue to have a variety of challenges in raising their supertwins. They are a support network of families who have or are expecting triplets, quadruplets or more. MOST provides information, resources, empathy and good humor during pregnancy, infancy, toddlerhood and school age. For information and a complimentary issue of their newsletter visit their Web Site.

  2. The Triplet Connection. The Triplet Connection is a non-profit "Network of Caring and Sharing" for multiple-birth families. It provides vital information to families who are expecting triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets or more, as well as encouragement, resources, and networking opportunities for families who are parents of larger multiples. They offer a quarterly magazine, an expectant parent's package, and provide an excellent Q&A section on their home page.

  3. My wife quit her job and stayed home to rest at six weeks and started bed rest at 22 weeks. Her connection to the outside world has been mainly through the computer. She met some other women expecting triplets through the Triplets List. The list is an email group for people to discuss issues concerning triplets and other multiples. It is a forum and a support network in which parents, relatives, doctors, nurses, researchers, and others can discuss a wide range of topics dealing with the unique issues of raising multiples. It is a place where everyone can share the joyous events that touch our loves.

  4. Look for twins and triplets groups in your neighborhood. They provide local support and garage sales to help couples save money on various baby items.

  5. Contact the many companies that have multiple birth programs.

Please visit our Triplets Page to learn more about our triplets (born on 3/5/97) and Ricki's pregnancy. Monthly sonogram pictures are available for your viewing pleasure. Also, a more in-depth list of triplet links is provided.
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