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by Matthew Rettenmund
The first pop reference book to capture the spirit of the 80s experience, Totally Awesome 80s chronicles not only pop music but also the faces, places, fads, fashions, movies, television shows, toys, and videos that defined the "Greed Decade." From skinny ties to Valspeak to the birth of MTV, no 80s cultural trend is overlooked in this comprehensive tribute to all things 80s.
by Colin Larkin (editor)
Each artist or group merits a sound synopsis, biographical information, and a list of albums as well as a videography and bibliography where applicable. Whether you delight in '80s music or rue the fact that you can't get "Friday I'm in Love" out of your head, this volume is an essential reference.
by David Arenson & Marilyn Werden
The 1980s--the decade that brought us Madonna and MTV, Smurfs and Michael Dukakis, yuppies and Nancy Reagan--are brought gloriously to life in Rambo Reagan an exhaustive compendium of the people, places, and events that made up that hedonistic, materialistic decade.
by John Sellers
The PCAT is the only study guide that's truly fun to read and play--a book that tests our mastery of the really important stuff: mindless pop-culture trivia. Equally enjoyable as nostalgic memory sharpener or a New Wave party game, the "PCAT" is loaded with truly gnarly SAT-style questions that cover every major category of 80s pop culture.
by Peter Thomas Fornatale and Frank R. Scatoni
"Does "Oh, Daddy dear, you know you're still number one" ring any bells? Or how about that lip-curling classic, "In the midnight hour, she cried 'more, more, more'"? If you guessed Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" and Billy Idol's, "Rebel Yell," you're a candidate for the championships in this popular bar game turned book. Replete with unforgivably unforgettable trivia, what-were-we-thinking glamour shots, and wry factoids about the era, Who Can It Be Now packs the appeal of Name That Tune and Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon between shiny covers." - Amazon.com review
by Rick Porter
What do we who grew up in the '80s have to unite and define us? Pong! And the Rubik's Cube. The A-Team. That Herb guy from the Burger King ads. Gorbachev and Imelda. Sam Kinison and Koosh balls. Kajagoogoo and Duran Duran. This A-to-Z guide catalogues just about every piece of cultural sagebrush that drifted across the desert of the Reagan-Bush years -- fully cross-referenced for that "channel-surfing" feel we all know and love.
by Wayne Jancik
The book that answered the familiar question, "Whatever happened to . . ." is back again with more lively information about pop music's most unforgettable--or completely forgettable--one-hit wonders. Each of the 625 entries feature the hit's title, songwriter, record label and number, peak chart position, and the date that the record reached that position.
Paperback - 240 pages
Jon Bernstein, film critic for Spin magazine critiques his favorite teen movies from the golden age of the '80s. The Brat Pack and their contemporaries have grown up, but celluloid has them flickering forever, angst-ridden, haunted, guileless, cocky, stripped to their briefs, and all dressed up "pretty in pink." 25 photos, 8-page color insert
by The Editor of Ben Is Dead Magazine, Darby Romeo & Bruce Elliott
Valley girls. Quaaludes. Howard Cosell. K-tel Records. In today's pop-culture spin, the seventies and eighties rule--as evidenced by anything from Nickelodeon reruns to Brady Bunch movies. Now, at last, there's Retrohell, a sassy, knowing travelogue through the best and worst of these unforgettable decades, covering everything from Earth Shoes to Schoolhouse Rock, Farrah Fawcett to eight tracks.
Fashion Sourcebooks is a series of beautifully illustrated paperbacks that surveys the development of women's and men's clothing. The year-by-year format of this book allows these developments to be shown in fascinating detail. Day and evening wear, sportswear, and accessories are included, and complete descriptions of each garment accompany the drawings. The reference section charts the evolution of fashion, and provides biographies of outstanding 1980s designers and a bibliography.
