I have been trying to remember the name of a band and the song they do and I don't have much information. I was hoping it might sound familiar. I used to see the video way back in the early 80's when Richard Blade hosted VH1 the tv show, (not the cable channel) I'm sure the band was a one hit wonder, I don't remember ever knowing other songs by them...anyway...
All I remember about the band name is that I think they had "Princes" or "Kings" in it. But it was the band and a bunch of street kids in a rock formation in the desert spraypainting the rocks and their leather jackets. And I remember the singer had long brown hair with the bangs pulled back in a pony tail.
I know that's not much to go on, but it's driving me nuts! I would appreciate if anyone has any idea what I'm talking about and save my sanity! Thanks
Total Posts: 1 | Joined Aug. 2001 | Posted on: 2:29 pm on Aug. 8, 2001 | IP
Is it Kings X?
Total Posts: N/A | Joined Never | Posted on: 9:12 am on Aug. 14, 2001 | IP
I think you're talking about the video for "Love and Pride" by King. I'm not sure that the name referred to the entire band, but the lead singer was Paul King.
Total Posts: N/A | Joined Never | Posted on: 3:42 pm on Sep. 16, 2001 | IP
yes, that's it! Thank you so much, you have saved my sanity!
Total Posts: N/A | Joined Never | Posted on: 7:40 am on Sep. 19, 2001 | IP