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-Growing Up in the 80s (
--80 Music and Bands (
---I need an all eighties music station on the Internet. (

-- Posted by lostinthe80s on 8:48 am on July 11, 2001

Can someone give me some Internet radio websites that feature an all eighties rock and roll music only that I can access in Canada?  I live in Toronto, Ontario.

-- Posted by JED on 3:10 pm on July 11, 2001

You could try - not sure of accessibility in Canada though. A freind of mine LOVES this service.
Good Luck!

-- Posted by ThunderVamp9 on 11:35 pm on July 11, 2001

It broadcasts 24 hours a day,7 days a week.  Over 2000 songs in the playlist with more being added all the time.  Fetauring an interactive playlist that you can browse through, and when you find a song you want to hear, you can click the link to place it in the queue, and hear it within 1 or 2 songs.  I know this because it's mine.  :)

(Edited by ThunderVamp9 at 8:44 am on Dec. 31, 2001)

-- Posted by Guest on 10:58 pm on July 31, 2001

you could also try

it has an 80's section that very good... i think the service is somehow related to mtv on the net...

-- Posted by Guest on 12:45 pm on Dec. 31, 2001

Also try

-- Posted by Coni on 9:18 am on Jan. 24, 2002

Quote: from ThunderVamp9 on 11:35 pm on July 11, 2001

It broadcasts 24 hours a day,7 days a week.  Over 2000 songs in the playlist with more being added all the time.  Fetauring an interactive playlist that you can browse through, and when you find a song you want to hear, you can click the link to place it in the queue, and hear it within 1 or 2 songs.  I know this because it's mine.  :)

I wanna praise your radiostation now :) I'm listening to is since I first found this topic and I'm so happy that I finally found a radiostation like this. Keep up your great work!!

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