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-Growing Up in the 80s (
--80s Movies (
---NAME of the 86's TV-MOVIE (

-- Posted by Guest on 2:06 am on Mar. 21, 2001

I read Cynthia Novack's book titled "Sharing the Dance: Contact Improvisation and American Culture" which was translated in Japanese.
And the author says about the TV-Movie, the plot is as follows:

Two women were killed in accidents. One's brain has dead but her body is alright. On the contrary, the other's brain is alright but her body has dead. Then, a doctor tried to transplant one's brain to the other's body and the operation was  success. And the story unfolds over this new woman's identity.

Does anyone know this movie's title?
According this book, this TV-movie  was televised in fall, 1986.

If you know this title, plase contact me with an E-mail.

-- Posted by Guest on 2:40 am on Mar. 26, 2001

sorry, my mail address is mistaken.

is correct E-mail address.

If you know the name of the movie above, please contact

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