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-Growing Up in the 80s (
--80s Movies (
---where are all the movie stars from the 80's now? (

-- Posted by lostinthe80s on 9:37 am on July 17, 2001

What happened to all the movie stars from the 80's?  Does anyone have a website on this?

-- Posted by JED on 1:21 pm on July 17, 2001

my favorite movie website is
you could always start your search with The Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles or Weird Science or any of your favorite 80s movie or movie stars. that could get you any current projects they are working on and sometimes it even has a where are they now...

-- Posted by Guest on 7:47 am on July 30, 2001

Quote: from lostinthe80s on 9:37 am on July 17, 2001
What happened to all the movie stars from the 80's?  Does anyone have a website on this?

-- Posted by Guest on 3:28 pm on Aug. 28, 2001

They overdosed on cocaine or got washed up and ended up in rehab

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