Growing Up in the 80s Help Files

Welcome Guest, the following help file is available.

Help on Making a post

To start a new thread, or to reply to a thread, you must be registered.

If you check the box marked 'Do you wish to add your signature?' the signature you entered when you registered will be added to the bottom of the post. You can edit your signature at any time by modifying your profile. The signatures are updated with each read of a thread, so if you change your signature now, all posts you have made will carry the new signature.

Email Notification of replies:
If the board administrator has enabled email functions for this board, you'll be able to check the box marked 'Do you want email notification of replies?' to recieve an email notifying you of any new posts made to the thread.

If the board administrator has enabled emoticons for this board, you'll be able to uncheck the box marked 'Do you wish to enable emoticons in this post?' to stop the emoticon code being converted into a graphic.

You can choose to preview your message before posting by clicking the 'yes' radio button. This will allow you to correct any typing mistakes before the post is added to the database.

You must complete all the fields when making a post with the exception of the Topic Description when starting a new thread.
If the board administrator has flood control enabled, you'll have to wait the specified time before making a new post. This is to prevent double posting, and spamming.
Clicking on 'Emoticons are enabled' if the link is visable will bring up the code legend for the emoticons. Clicking on the 'IkonCode Legend' will bring up the code legend for using IkonCode.

View all help files | View Emoticons legend | View Ikoncode tags

General Board Information
Emoticons are enabled
Verification of email address is not needed
Board email functions are on
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